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$50.00 / month with 1 month free trial

Our managed websites are quick, easy, and beautiful – truly the best value for serious business owners who need a professional but aren’t quite ready for a full time IT employee!

How it works: Upon successful purchase, you’ll be emailed your receipt with a link to complete the questionnaire we use to gather your information. After we put your website together, we’ll email you to have you check everything over prior to launch.

Once the website is up, we’ll maintain the back end & keep ongoing backups on hand as an insurance policy for you in case anything ever happens.

Managed Website Customers receive ongoing support, so whenever you need something, we’re just an email away.

The Autumn Lane Premade Website Process

We’re organization freaks when it comes to client sitebuilds – here’s the process:

1) Initial Questionnaire

You’ll receive a link to the initial website form, where we gather account information & provide some general guidance on things. Since we don’t want to overwhelm you, we send the right information at the right time. After we receive your completed form, we’ll email you with your scheduled website unveiling date, so use an email address you check often!

2) Website Preview & Content

After the website has been designed & built, we’ll send you a link to preview it – the website WILL be using placeholder content at this point, not your actual content so don’t get concerned when you see Latin on the site along with stock photos.
As part of Step 2, you will receive a link to our content form, which is how we collect your specific content from you. You’ll have prompts on each website page for what good content for that page will be but it needs to come from the business owner – we’re the website experts, not the expert in every client’s business.

3) Review Round 1

After we place your content, you will receive an email update & a form for your first of two included review rounds – told you we’re crazy about organization on these projects! We recommend checking out the website on a desktop or laptop as well as a smartphone. We do this as well but the more eyes that see the project, the more likely smaller details will be picked up on more quickly – send the form back & we’ll make the requested updates.

If you're happy with the site after the first review round, skip to step 5 & launch your site!

4) Review Round 2

After review round one, we’ll email with the second review round form & the process follows the previous revision round. Once this review round is completed, we can schedule your website launch!

5) Website Launch!

Once everything is in place, your website will be live & you’ll be able to do business with anyone in the world!

6) Support Requests

We have a handy Support Portal for any support requests that is seen & acted on by our entire web team, where our Premade Website Clients can log their support requests day or night! We want to ensure that anything not working quite right isn’t our fault & if it’s something additional, that’s fine too! 💯 We’re happy to quote for what your growing site needs!

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